Our Videos

Prayer Challenge Intro Video

A cut to the chase video taken from the original full length, “How to change the unchangeable!” Chris challenges us not to give up, back up or shut up until we receive our breakthrough!

Prayer Challenge Preparation Tips

Chris goes over the basics of what to expect and few helpful tips before you get started on the 40 Day Challenge.

Day One, Let’s Go!

Chris opens the prayer challenge up with some quick, but great info!

Day Two, Let’s Go!

If persistent prayer were easy then everyone would be doing it, right?

Day Three, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares a secret weapon you can use to keep your prayer life strong and a weapon that breaks the back of the devil at the same time!

Day Four, Let’s Go!

What does God know? Sounds like a stupid question, right? You’ll be blessed to hear the answer!

Day Five, Let’s Go!

Why does God want you to cast your burdens on Him? You’ll find out in this video as Chris shares one of his burdens with you!

Day Six, Let’s Go!

How can just two words change your life? In this video Chris shares two words that describe what Abraham did to see an amazing move of God!

Day Seven, Let’s Go!

You may be surprised to learn that God is not good to the perfect or to the religious, but those who choose to do one thing, check it out In this video and be blessed!

Day Eight, Let’s Go!

In this video you’ll learn how a dad saw his daughter healed from a mental illness by using one tool, a tool that adds power to your prayers!

Day Nine, Let’s Go!

Learn how Jesus made important decisions and why you should used the same method He did!

Day Ten, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares one of his favorite answers to prayer and reveals how you can see more answers to prayer using a little tool you learned in school!

Day Eleven, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares another incredible answer to prayer, that didn’t happen overnight. And you may have heard it said, “You reap what you sow.” Well, you do, but you can reap in a good way! Learn the one thing you must do to reap a good harvest.

Day Twelve, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares another incredible answer to prayer, that didn’t happen overnight. And you may have heard it said, “You reap what you sow.” Well, you do, but you can reap in a good way! Learn the one thing you must do to reap a good harvest.

Day Thirteen, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris asks if it’s illegal to pray for such things as a milkshake and share his milkshake story that just may help you know God better than you’ve ever have!

Day Fourteen, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares a four letter word that can crush your prayer life, don’t let it happen to you!

Day Fifteen, Let’s Go!

Why pray? Well, in this video Chris shares how he almost died on patrol, you’ll find out why he didn’t and why God would rather have you pray about everything!

Day Sixteen, Let’s Go!

What’s the number one prayer killer? Chris shares how he struggled with this prayer killer. You’ll discover what it is next and you’ll also discover how to overcome it!

Day Seventeen, Let’s Go!

Chris shares how we can be protected from evil and evil doers by doing something Jesus recommended, Something we all tend to forget to do!

Day Eighteen, Let’s Go!

Chris shares the one prayer request that he has seen answered more often that not! Discovered how you can see this answered in your life as well!

Day Nineteen, Let’s Go!

Jesus shared a story about a friend who banged on another friend’s door at midnight asking for something. Learn why Jesus taught he didn’t get what he needed because he was at a friend’s house, but rather because of this powerful principle!

Day Twenty, Let’s Go!

In this video Chris shares how King Asa thought he had a better strategy to defeat his enemies, sadly it wound up costing him his life! Learn how to avoid Asa’s pitfall and see God show up strong instead!

Day Twenty-One, Let’s Go!

Chris shares something he never knew about God, something that others have thought, “God won’t do that! Would He?” This one will definitely change your life!

Day Twenty-Two, Let’s Go!

One Burglar, One Prayer, and One Arrest is what you’ll learn about in this video! Plus, one of the most powerful prayer principles known to man!

A Quick Highlight

Chris goes through the door of resistance and you will do!

Full Length, “Changing The Unchangeable!”

Chris lays it all out and explains one tool you can use to change things that flat out refuse to change!

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